Seat Reservation for Holidays

The entrance to the service is free, but you can buy a seat for Rosh ha Shana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach and Shavuot.

How to reserve your place:
– First, make the payment on this page:
– Then write to to request your reservation by sending a copy/proof of payment. Please indicate the names everyone in your party, as well as the number of men and women

  • Not Set

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

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Noemi Coen

8 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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The entrance to the service is free, but you can buy a seat for Rosh ha Shana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach and Shavuot.

How to reserve your place:
– First, make the payment on this page.
– Then write to to request your reservation by sending a copy/proof of payment. Please indicate the names everyone in your party, as well as the number of men and women


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ID Name Email Amount
12433Irit Ladermanladeri02@nyu.edu50.00
12094Carla Tricarichictricarichi@aol.com50.00
11170Jonathan Sladej.slade140@gmail.com100.00
11165Armando Jinichajinich@yahoo.com400.00
11156Sheri Sandlersheri@sherisandler.com50.00
11089Alexander Alergantalergantus@mail.ru50.00
11082Monica Osbornemonicaosborne@gmail.com150.00
11079Jessica Levinjralevin@gmail.com50.00
11066Daniel Weissdweiss42@gmail.com100.00