Jewish School in Florence


Where the seeds of tomorrow are planted

The world survives on the breath of children studying in school (Babylonian Talmud Shabbat 119:b)

The Jewish Community of Florence is proud of its nursery school and kindergarten, where an authentic Jewish atmosphere is created for approximately 25 children each year between one and six years old, and which is renowned throughout Florence for its quality and level of teaching. Our Talmud Torah school is located next to it, where children and youth aged 7 to 18 study Hebrew, prayers, and the Torah with commentary twice each week. The Temple’s large garden is open to them as well as a multi-purpose field where they can play soccer and basketball, and there are indoor ping pong tables and table football. We hope to involve you with our dream of preserving and improving the activities we can offer to our youth, in order to build a solid future and ensure the future life of this Jewish Community.

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