The entrance to the service is free, but you can buy a seat for Rosh ha Shana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach and Shavuot.

How to reserve your place:
– First, make the payment on this page
– Then write to to request your reservation by sending a copy/proof of payment. Please indicate the names everyone in your party, as well as the number of men and women

Eve 29th Elul 5782, Sunday 25th September 2022:  

Selichot & Shacrit: 5.30am

 Lighting candles : 6.49pm

Minchà & ‘Arvit: 6.45pm

Community Seder: click here for reservation

1° Day 1st Tishrì 5783, Monday 26th September:  


Shachrit: 8.00am, Sefer: 9.30am, Shofar: 10.45am, Musaf: 11.00am

Minchà: 6.00pm, Tashlikh: 6.30pm, ‘Arvit: 7.00pm

Community Seder: click here for reservation

2° Day 2nd Tishrì 5782, Tuesday 27th September:  


Shachrit: 8.00am, Sefer: 9.30am, Shofar: 10.45am, Musaf: 11.00am,

Minchà: 6.45pm, ‘Arvit: 7.30pm, end of Rosh haShanà: 7.46pm


3rd Tishrì, Wednesday 28th September 2022:  

fast beginnig: 5.55am

Shachrit: 7.15am

Minchà: 2.00pm

Fast ending: 7.32pm.

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