The entrance to the service is free, but you can buy a seat for Rosh ha Shana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach and Shavuot clicking here
Eve 29th Elul 5783, Friday 15th September 2023:
Selichot & Shacrit: 5.30am
Lighting candles : 7.08pm
Minchà & ‘Arvit: 7:00pm
Seder following
Here you can book your sedarim seats and meals
Shachrit: 8.00am, Sefer: 9.30am, Musaf: 11.00am
Minchà: 6.15pm, ‘Arvit: 7.15pm.
Lighting candles: 8.07 pm
Seder following
Here you can book your sedarim seats and meals
2° Day 2nd Tishrì 5784, Sunday 17th September:
Shachrit: 8.00am, Sefer: 9.30am, Shofar: 10.45am, Musaf: 11.00am, Minchà: 6.30pm, Tashlikh 7.00pm ‘Arvit: 7.45pm, end of Rosh haShanà: 8:05pm
3rd Tishrì, Monday 18th September 2023: fast beginnig: 5.40am, Shachrit: 7.15 am, Minchà: 2.00pm, Fast ending: 7.52pm.
Eve: 9th Tishrì, Sunday 24th September 2023:
Selichot & Shacrit: 5.45am
Minchà: 2.00pm
Lighting candles & fast beginning: 6.51pm
Kol Nidrè & ‘Arvit: 7.00pm.
10th Tishrì, Monday 25th September:
Shachrit: 8.30am, Musaf: 12.45am
Minchà: 4.15pm
Ne‘ilà: 6.15pm,
Shofar: 7.39pm,
Fast ending & ‘Arvit: 7.50pm.